Dead Trains to bring “blues-core” to Great Scott for EP release show

According to their Bandcamp page, Boston’s Dead Trains can be categorized under the genres of bluescore, trainstep, and hillbilly hardcore. If these sound a bit esoteric or unfamiliar to you, you wouldn’t be alone. But when you hear the music it all begins to make a bit more sense: these guys just blast out some aggressive punk rock that also happens to be pretty damn blues-y.

For example, take their latest single “Big Fun”. It kicks in at a frantic pace that never lets up, with a disjointed rhythm adding to the sense of urgency and never letting the listener get comfortable. The drums are brash and the vocals gritty, falling somewhere between a bluesman’s howl and a punk rocker’s snarl. Driving through the whole track is a bassline that’s nothing less than menacing, establishing the decidedly turbulent feel of the song. Check it out:

“Big Fun” is the title track of Dead Trains’ upcoming EP, their second release in as many years. They’ll be celebrating the release tomorrow night (11/27) at Great Scott in Allston with the help of psychedelic garage punks The Rough Cuts (Fitchburg, MA) and gloomy groove-metal purveyors Witch Cake (Boston). If you’re in the market for a little Monday night madness, this show was made for you. For details and tickets, click right here!